- title: The Political Economy of Education in the Arab World
- author: Hicham Alaoui and Robert Springborg (editors)
- publication: Lynne Reiner Publishers
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- title: L’espérance toujours vivante d’une unité arabe
- author: Hicham Alaoui
- publication: Le Monde Diplomatique
- title: Face à l’occupation américaine de l’Irak, le monde arabe au pied du mur
- author: Hicham Ben Abdallah El Alaoui
- publication: Le Monde Diplomatique, October 2003
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- title: Back to the future, the Arab nationalist tradition and the political imagination of today
- author: Hicham Ben Abdallah El Alaoui
- publication: Le Monde Diplomatique, August 2009
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- title: No Picnic, the Dynamics of Culture in the Contemporary Arab World
- author: Hicham Ben Abdallah El Alaoui
- publication: Le Monde Diplomatique, August 2010
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- title: The Split in Arab Culture
- author: Hicham Ben Abdallah El Alaoui
- publication: Journal of Democracy, Volume 22, Number 1, January 2011
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- title: Arab Spring – An Interview with Moulay Hicham
- author: Stephen Smith
- publication: Le Débat, September 2011
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